RO:  “Love is in the air” si nu mai conteaza nimic, nu mai are importanta locatia, nu mai conteaza daca ploua sau ninge, nu mai conteaza daca lumina este proasta. Un scenariu pe care orice fotograf de nunta il doreste in primul rand. Madalina si Marius imi sunteti foarte dragi, mi-a placut enorm sa fiu prezent si sa fotografiez nunta voastra. Nu a fost deloc complicat si asta datorita voua. Aveti acel ceva pe care orice fotograf de nunta doreste sa-l regaseasca la un cuplu. Prima regula , fericire, zambete si voie buna, la voi a fost din plin. First dance…just amazing.

Si inca ceva foarte important, vibe-ul celor de la VIBES live band a fost pe masura. Fotografiile cred ca spun totul.

Cristina iti multumesc pentru partea de coordonare. Ai facut o treaba excelenta ca intotdeauna.

Dragilor, pe final ce vreau sa mai spun este ca nu pot decat sa fiu recunoscator pentru increderea acordata. Oricand ne vom mai intalnii stiu ca voi face cele mai bune fotografii cu voi.

Cu mult mult drag, Simion !

EN:  “Love is in the air” and nothing else matters, the location is no longer important, it doesn’t matter if it rains or snows, it doesn’t matter if the light is bad. A scenario that every wedding photographer wants first and foremost. Madalina and Marius, you are very dear to me, I really enjoyed attending and photographing your wedding. It wasn’t complicated at all and that’s thanks to you. You have that something that every wedding photographer wants to find in a couple. The first rule, happiness, smiles and good cheer, you had plenty of it. First dance…just amazing.

And something else very important, the vibe of the VIBES live band was on point. I think the photos say it all.

Cristina, thank you for the coordination part. You did an excellent job as always.

Dear friends, finally what I want to say is that I can only be grateful for the trust you put in me. Whenever we meet again, I know that I will take the best photos with you.

With much love, Simion!




Wedding planner: Cristina Cotoi

Flowers: Galeria cu Flori

Music: VIBES live band