RO: Nuntile la Targu Mures in octombrie sunt wow. Si asta pentru ca si locatia de la Centrul de evenimente Rab ofera un view superb in preajma apusului. Cu siguranta este unul din cele mai bune momente ale zilei, pentru fotografii in ziua nuntii, iar acolo este foarte simplu sa “fugi” de la nunta pentru cateva cadre.
Dupa prima intalnire online cu Oana si Dan, am stiut ca o sa fie multa dragoste de fotografiat. Si nu pot decat sa fiu cel mai fericit cand se intampla chestii frumoase in ziua nuntii. Oana si Dan nu sunt genul care au nevoie de indicatii, ei stiu foarte bine ce au de facut, iar pentru mine a fost o placere si foarte usor sa surprind felul lor de a fi.
Mi-a placut mult cununia religioasa. Nu in toate interioarele de biserici crestin ortodoxe este cea mai buna lumina pentru fotografii, dar in Targu Mures la Catedrala Buna Vestire e diferita. Insa lumina buna nu este de ajuns, daca lipsesc emotiile si acea conexiune intre protagonisti. As zice ca acolo “sarea si piperul” au fost copiii. Kids will be kids.
Iar cand totul iasa bine, este si pentru ca sunt oameni dedicati pe partea de organizare. Cea mai mare “vina” o are Diana.
Awesome job as always.
Oana si Dan, multumesc!
EN: October weddings in Targu Mures are wow. And that’s because the location at the Rab Events Center offers a superb view at sunset. It is definitely one of the best moments of the day, for wedding day photos, and it is very easy to “run away” from the wedding for a few shots.
After the first online meeting with Oana and Dan, I knew there would be a lot of love to photograph. And I can only be the happiest when beautiful things happen on the wedding day. Oana and Dan are not the type that need instructions, they know what they have to do very well, and for me it was a pleasure and very easy to capture their natural way.
I really liked the religious ceremony. Not all the interiors of Orthodox Christian churches have the best light for photos, but in Targu Mures at the Buna Vestire Cathedral it is different. But good light is not enough, if the emotions and that connection between the protagonists is missing. I would say that the “salt and pepper” were the children. Kids will be kids.
And when everything goes well, it’s also because there are dedicated people on the organizational side. Diana is to “blame” for that.Awesome job as always.
Oana and Dan, thank you!
Wedding venue: Centru de evenimente RAB
Wedding planner: Diana Cimpean
Wedding videographer: Ovidiu Rosca