RO: Locatia de la Motel Gilau, foarte aproape de Cluj, ofera multe avantaje atunci cand doresti sa organizezi o nunta aici, si mai ales in aer liber. Poate cel mai important aspect este ca ajungi sa petreci mai mult timp de calitate cu familia si cei dragi ( si nu sa te stresezi si sa pierzi timp cu deplasari intre locatii)
Alexandra si Armand au avut parte din plin de aceste momente relaxante. Nunta nu este despre alergare si stres. Si aici ii multumim Alexandrei Miklos pentru organizare si coordonare.
A fost deja al treilea eveniment de anul acesta unde la ceremonia religioasa a venit pentru oficiere parintele Lazar, am stiut ca o sa fie un eveniment cu multa voie buna si multa distractie.
Pe scurt…dragoste, zambete, emotie, familie si cei mai cool prieteni.
Eu va multumesc mult Alexandra si Armand pentru toata increderea voastra. M-am simtit foarte bine alaturi de voi!
EN: The location of Motel Gilau, very close to Cluj, offers many advantages when you want to organize a wedding here, and especially outdoors. Perhaps the most important aspect is that you get to spend more quality time with your family and loved ones (and not to stress and waste time traveling between locations).
Alexandra and Armand had the full share of these relaxing moments. The wedding is not about running and stress. And here we thank Alexandra Miklos for organization and coordination.
It was already the third event this year where Father Lazar came to officiate at the religious ceremony, I knew it would be an event with a lot of good cheer and a lot of fun.
In short… love, smiles, emotion, family and the coolest friends.
I thank you very much Alexandra and Armand for all your trust. I felt very good with you!