RO: Mi-a placut mult nunta Cristinei si a lui Dan. In primul rand pentru ca totul a decurs intr-un mod cat mai relaxant, simplu si fara stres, timp suficient pentru fiecare moment important. Si aici de vina a fost Cristina pe partea de organizare si coordonare. Awesome job as always. Multumim mult Cristina.
Iar cand zambetele exista din plin, fotografiile sunt mult mai usor de realizat. Un moment foarte drag a fost si ceremonia religioasa, in aer liber, si aici trebuie sa spunem ca Parintele Lazar a adus si mai multa voie buna in randul invitatilor.
Cristina si Dan multumesc ! Cu mult drag Simion !
EN: I really liked Cristina and Dan’s wedding. First of all, because everything went as relaxing, simple and stress free as possible, enough time for every important moment. And here Cristina was to blame for the organization and coordination. Awesome job as always. Thank you very much Cristina.
And when there are plenty of smiles, the photos are much easier to take. A very dear moment was also the religious ceremony, in the open air, and here we must say that Father Lazar brought even more good cheer among the guests.
Cristina and Dan thank you! With much love Simion!
Wedding planner: Cristina Cotoi
Location: Radisson Blu Cluj